

Hurricane Matthew could impact your Workers' Compensation premium



退休的RMS Head获得长叶松奖



Hurricane Matthew could impact your Workers' Compensation premium

我们不断地被提醒着事物变化的速度有多快. In past years, we have had winter storms, spring tornadoes and hurricanes. 我们都以这样或那样的方式受到这些事件的影响. 有时被遗忘的一项是由于这些事件而产生的额外保险费用. 劳工补偿, 额外的工时和加班时间增加了你的工资, which will add additional costs to your final Workers’ Compensation audit invoice.

我相信大多数成员都没有把任何额外的工时计算在你最初的工资估算中. 因此, if you revise your budgets to reflect the additional costs related to the storm, you may wish to include some additional insurance costs due to the increase in payroll.

In the case of overtime; we exclude the half time portion of overtime. 我们只收取员工的直接工资补偿(我们包括所有其他工资类型).

例子: An employee’s normal work week is 40 hours for which he is paid $10 per hour. 这名员工每周工作44小时. For the overtime hours (the 41st through 44th), the employee earned $15 per hour. 员工加班挣得的额外工资是20美元,不包括在保费计算中.

44 hours for the week less 40 hours regular work week = 4 hours overtime

4 x $15 overtime pay less 4 x $10 normal hourly wage = $20 extra pay for overtime

Remember, you originally pay your premium based on an estimated payroll. 一旦年度结束,审计就完成了. 加班费(半小时)不包括在内, but the straight time portion of the overtime does increase your total payroll.

如果你高估/低估了你的工资, 保费差异, 如果有任何, 会在你们的工伤赔偿审计时进行调整吗.

If you did not budget for the additional expenses in this current year, 我们将在审计时收取额外的工资.


职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)最近发布了几项与事故后药物检测有关的新规定, 电子伤害报告, 以及对员工激励计划的限制. 这些新规定的目的是改善对工作场所伤害和疾病的跟踪,并帮助消除可能阻止员工报告事件的障碍. While the implementation date for these rules has either passed or will take effect January 1, 2017, 风险管理服务收到了来自我们成员的大量询问,要求澄清OSHA规则. After researching the rules and having direct conversations with NC OSHA, 我们意识到我们的成员需要在OSHA的其他通信中不易找到的额外信息.

新规定源于5月12日, 2016 Department of Labor document “Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses; Final Rule”. One of the areas addressed in this document is the electronic reporting of data. 新规定, 将于1月1日生效, 2017, requires some employers to electronically submit injury and illness data. The requirement does not add or change an employer’s obligation to complete, 保留, 并证明受伤和疾病记录. 它只要求某些雇主以电子方式将这些记录中的一些信息提交给OSHA. 所有雇员人数在250人以上的企业和某些高风险行业中雇员人数在20-249人的企业都需要电子报告.

北卡罗来纳州职业安全与健康管理局建议,由于目前北卡罗来纳州和联邦职业安全与健康管理局之间的关系,北卡罗来纳州城镇目前不需要以电子方式提交信息. 你们将继续像过去一样提供所有必需的年度OSHA信息,直到NC决定如何响应当地政府的电子报告要求.

Another area of discussion has been the procedures for post-accident drug testing. Many employers perform automatic drug testing for all injuries to an employee. 联邦统治州, “al虽然 drug testing of employees may be a reasonable workplace policy in some situations, 这通常被认为是对隐私的侵犯, so if an injury or illness is very unlikely to have been caused by employee drug use, 或者药物检测方法不能识别损伤, 但只在最近的某个时候使用, requiring the employee to be drug tested may inappropriately deter reporting.”

该裁决的目的是将事故后的药物检测限制在那些可能与雇员使用药物或酒精有关的事件中, 类似于合理怀疑测试. 根据NC OSHA, the new limitations for post-accident drug testing are currently under legal challenge. 直到诉讼结束, employers can continue with drug testing policies already in place, provided they abide by appropriate state and federal regulations.

OSHA明确了他们的目标,即消除阻止或阻止员工报告工作场所受伤或疾病的障碍. 这包括禁止雇主因雇员报告受伤情况而对其进行报复. 雇主还必须避免制定激励计划,阻止或阻止员工报告受伤情况. 激励方案应鼓励安全工作实践,并促进工人参与与安全有关的活动. If an incentive program provides rewards for not having an accident/incident, 那么这个项目就会阻碍员工报告,也不符合OSHA关于激励计划的裁决的意图.

风险管理服务将继续监测OSHA与这些劳工部规则相关的发展. 更多的信息可以在OSHA的网站上找到 www.osha.gov /记录/ finalrule , or by contacting the League’s Risk Management Field Services director, Bryan Leaird,电话919-715-2905 bleaird@promisesurfing.net


这是有趣的几个星期. 10月8日th 给我们带来了飓风马修,给东北部的许多社区造成了严重破坏, 沿海和南部地区. We have received 119 claims from the storm thus far 27 vehicle claims and 92 property claims, 其中最大的是普林斯维尔镇, a historic community on the banks of the Tar River in Edgecombe County.

我们有两件有趣的案子待审. “大家的v. 绿宝石岛” 正在等待北卡罗来纳州最高法院的口头辩论. 这个案子涉及到谁拥有和使用海燕麦和平均涨潮线之间的干沙滩. Many of us walk along this dry sand beach each time we are at the ocean shore. 该案件应确定该物业是否为相邻物业业主所有并仅供其使用,或者城镇/市民是否有权使用海滩的这一区域.

另一个案例。”优质住宅诉迦太基镇" has been to the NC Supreme Court and decided in favor of Quality Built Homes. 问题是当地政府的一个单位向业主收取水和下水道影响费. 该案件已被最高法院发回北卡罗来纳州上诉法院,以确定是否应将错误收取的影响费退还给业主,以及是否应退还给业主, to determine the time frame and limits (如果有任何) of refunds due to the property owner.

Both of these cases will have a huge impact on many cities, towns and villages across the state. 这些案件已经得到了充分的介绍,我们将密切关注这些案件,等待法院作出裁决.

J. 史蒂文•李 理赔处长

退休的RMS Head获得长叶松奖

If Bob Haynes wanted to retire quietly, he was in for disappointment.

Because after 26 years of exemplary service to League insurance pool members, growing those pools dependably and leading as a trusted friend to League staffers, 今年8月,当海恩斯第一次宣布即将从风险管理服务总监的职位上退休时,他的感激之情很快就体现出来了.

But now, he's leaving with one of the highest honors that can be bestowed on any North Carolinian.

海恩斯于10月10日正式从365足彩下载退役. 31, 被授予长叶松勋章, which the governor orders for exceptionally meritorious servants or providers to the people.

熟悉的入选者包括迈克尔·乔丹, 葛培理, Maya Angelou, 盖洛德·佩里和安迪·格里菲斯, in addition to several local government officials who've worked with the League.

Haynes was presented the honor during CityVision 2016, the League's annual conference held Oct. 罗利23-25号. 但他不知道接下来会发生什么.

他知道一定发生了什么事, 虽然, when League officials asked him to a meeting that he wouldn't ordinarily attend. Things grew more suspicious when he was asked to sit in the front row, in a reserved seat.


海恩斯说:“我仍然感到很惭愧. “我很感激能在365足彩下载度过26年多的时光.... To cap off my career there -- in a job that I just absolutely loved, 以这种方式结束它, 我想不出更好的方式出去了."

海恩斯于1990年加入365足彩下载,担任风险管理和损失控制服务经理,并在该组织中迅速崛起. 到1996年,他已经达到了退休的职位.

在告别信中, 海恩斯写道:“我最大的快乐是这些年来认识了这么多市政官员,并建立了持久的友谊,这些友谊将伴随我一生. I have utmost respect for the elected and appointed officials who serve their communities so well. 我很自豪能有机会与你们每个人一起工作,我可以充满信心地说,由于我们的公务员日复一日地做出牺牲,北卡罗来纳州变得更加美好."  


We just wrapped up our second run of the MIT Health Benefits Trust of NC Naturally Slim program. 这是一个为期10周的技能培养课程,它基于对瘦人自然行为的新理解,对18岁及以上的麻省理工学院医学参与者免费. 该项目教授用心饮食, 营养, 体育活动, and has helped change Metabolic Syndrome for our members that have participated.  

我们的第一个项目开始于2016年2月, we had a total of 61 individuals complete the program and they lost a combined total of 543.3磅. “自然瘦身”的第二阶段开始于2016年9月,我们总共有141人毕业,减掉了800磅. To date the MIT Naturally Slim participants have lost a grand total 1,343.3磅. 携手共进2016! 对于那些有兴趣参加我们2017年自然瘦身计划的麻省理工学院医疗计划的成员,下一个在线课程将在2月份, so look for your postcard to come in the US mail and enroll online in January.


“这个程序非常简单, and I fell like it did help me achieve what I know to be my ideal weight set point. It also gave me confidence and legitimacy in doing some things I felt “guilt” about –i.e. 不吃早餐. 我喜欢它的灵活性和没有公会的特点. 它更像是一种维护方法,这对我有好处.”

“I am learning that food doesn’t control me the way I 虽然t it did.”

“这是多年来第一次取得进展! 动机!”

“This is the first program I didn’t feel shamed into losing weight.”

“I have issues with joint inflammation and losing the weight has helped ease the pain.”

“Skin and hair seem better probably with amount of water I drink.”
